29 Mar Keeping Healthy Hair
Mens Haircuts | Roseville | Lincoln | Rocklin | Granite Bay
(916) 787-GAME (4263)
Keeping your hair healthy is harder than it sounds. It is not just shampoo and conditioner, there is much more to it. Today we are going to give you a few healthy hair tips for men.
To begin, focus on treating your scalp right. Caring for your hair has a lot to do with caring for your scalp. If you have an oily scalp avoid products that market themselves as hydrating or moisturizing and gravitate towards products that talk about strengthening and balancing your hair. If you have a dry scalp gravitate towards products that place an emphasis on hydrating. If you have a normal scalp you do not have to look for products with any particular benefits. Just make sure that you have a good balance between hydrating and fortifying. By treating your scalp correctly your scalp will be able to efficiently secrete sebum which is what keeps both your scalp and your hair hydrated and healthy.
Secondly, an easy way to keep your hair healthy is to limit it’s exposure to harmful things. Chlorine, the sun, and ill-fitting headwear are all things that can do major damage to your hair. Chlorine dries out both the hair and the scalp. If your scalp is subjected to a sunburn, it can produce a compound called superoxide which will cause your hair to switch from being in a growth mode to being more in a shedding mode. Lastly, if you wear a hat that is too tight it can cause decreased blood circulation to your scalp and therefore, your hair might be less healthy.
The last tip that we will mention in this article is a pretty simple one. Keep your hair natural. Excessive perming, coloring, gelling, and so on is going to excessively damage your hair. If you are at a store looking at hair products, just keep this in mind. The more you do to your hair the less healthy it is going to be. The less you mess around with it the healthier it is going to be.
Use these tips to your advantage. If you want healthier hair, start here. These tips are easy things you can do and ones that will make a huge difference. For more information on anything hair please do not hesitate to reach out to us at The Headgame.
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